This will be the first of my ramblings, hopefully there will be many to follow.
I am, first and foremost an American. I have belief in the fundamentals of the constitution and will always support that document to the extent of my life. Many times people forget what it takes to keep a nation operational, that it requires work and a concerted effort by the citizens to make it function. Modern day America is heading away from the foundation that our forefathers established. We as a people have become so concerned with our own little existence that we have forgotten who we are. We are the United States of America, not just America. We each have our own history and we each have our own beliefs. The places from which we come have a regional commonality. Different areas of our country have basic differences. We can't all have the same outlook, but, we all can have the same fundamentals. From these basics we can all draw our own conclusions and group ourselves into like minded segments of society.
Those people who have sectarian religious beliefs can each pursue their own group of common thinkers. Those who are agnostic can pursue their own search for answers and those who have no belief in a God are free to their opinion. We are not all the same, we must realize that we are all entitled to our beliefs. Nothing angers me more that someone trying to force their will on an individual who is not like minded. One of the basic philosophies of our nation was Freedom of Religion, followed by Freedom of Speech and the Pursuit of Happiness. These things all point to the fact that we are all allowed to think as we please, state our beliefs and be left alone by those who would try to impose their will upon us. So, if you are one of those who think that they are the only ones with rights you will not care for the things I say. To you I say, "Have a nice day." To the rest of you I say "Read On!"
Tomorrow is Memorial Day, do not forget the things that we should memorialize. This day was established to pay homage to those who gave up their lives to provide us with the freedoms that are implied by our constitution. For each soldier who puts his life on the line to protect our personal freedom and the rights of others to their own freedom, I salute you! Know this, I will always support this nation and those who defend it. I would love it if everyone else would do the same. I as well as many of my friends have served their time as an "American Fighting Man", some have passed on, others have just slipped away. To these people, I love you and you will not be forgotten! To those of you who did not serve, you will never understand the pride that each soldier has in his heart, so, find one and tell him or her the pride that you have in you heart for what they have done. Don't just think that Memorial Day is the day that you put dead flowers on the graves of relatives. Memorial Day is the celebration of the lives of those who protect and have protected our Great Nation.
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